For the past nine
years, a group of local volunteer birders have conducted bird counts at the
Silver Creek Preserve. These are some of
the most interesting and consistent data we have at Silver Creek. Occasionally
they see an unusual species- as was the case this weekend. A Northern Waterthrush was sighted along
Stalker Creek, a first for Silver Creek as far as I know. In addition to the usual list of suspects, a
Peregrine falcon and a Sora were also seen.
The birders, in this
case Poo Wright-Pulliam, Kathleen Cameron, and Maria, think the possible reason
for the density and diversity of birds this month at the preserve could be due
to the fires and the drought in the area.
“The birds are more condensed, they are moving out of burned areas and
areas that don’t have food to places that do.
They are relying more on gardens and places like Silver Creek than
usual,” said Kathleen Cameron.
-Dayna Gross, Silver Creek Preserve Manager