
Tuesday, June 01, 2010


There may have still been a chill in the air on Saturday, but at Silver Creek, it was still a nice day for fishing, and an even nicer day for a barbecue.

A large crowd hung around the visitor center, enjoying hot dogs and hamburgers, telling fish stories and learning a bit more about the Silver Creek enhancement plan. After the quiet spring days, it's always nice to have so many friendly faces back on the preserve.

Did you miss the opening day barbecue? Don't worry: There's still plenty of opportunity to have fun at Silver Creek this summer.

Free natural history walks are offered every Saturday, all summer long, from 9:30-11:00.

The visitor center is open daily from 8:30- 1:30 through October 31. Stop by and say hi!

We always welcome volunteers, for the day or week or hour. Please call 208-788-7910 for the latest opportunities. This year we especially need volunteers in June for fish monitoring.
To keep informed of the latest happenings on the preserve, become a Friend of Silver Creek by donating to our conservaiton work. You'll receive an annual sticker, patch, and a deal on a special “Friends” hat. We will host a thank-you fall barbeque for all Friends -- stay tuned for the date. Donate today.

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