
Monday, June 08, 2009

Preserve Opening Day Report

Submitted by Meredith A. Stewart, Silver Creek intern
Such excitement around here as opening day of fishing season arrived!

The evening prior to opening day, dozens of trailers were parked and tents popped up. Over the course of the next day, 176 visitors signed in at the Silver Creek Preserve.

The barbecue at the visitor center was well attended. On exhibit was a display thanking donors for their aid in securing a conservation easement on property directly south of the center.

Whether meeting the Silver Creek staff or catching up with fellow fishermen and friends, the get-together was a success.

Those who fished, watched birds and/or photographed found plenty to keep them entertained. On the nature hike led by Ginny Glasscock, participants took their time spotting wildflowers, identifying birds, and exploring the desert ecology.

It is great to see people using the New Zealand mudsnail stations positioned outside the visitor center, Kilpatrick Bridge, and Sullivan's Lake access locations. An invasive species, the New Zealand mudsnails were first detected in the Silver Creek watershed in 2001. The scrub stations keep the mudsnail population down and prevent contamination in other areas.

The start of fishing season comes at about the same time as the arrival of afternoon thunderstorms, swarming insects, and the young moose. Calf sightings are common along the banks of Stalker Creek.

If you keep an eye out in the water, on the land, or in the air, you'll be sure to see nature at work. We look forward to a great summer and seeing you around the preserve, at the visitor center or on the creek!

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